Interview with Clare Press | Wardrobe Crisis podcast

We were so very honoured to be interviewed by the phenomenal Clare Press on her Wardrobe Crisis podcast to chat about life and work as a small, family-run, sustainable fashion brand - the wins and challenges, our hopes and dreams.
We're on Episode 212 🎧✨ Listen to it here or find it on Apple, Spotify or wherever you love to tune in to podcasts.

What do we cover? Here's Clare's summary -
"What does it take to make it as an independent, small, local, ethical business in a global world that favours big brands? How can we work together to ensure that our local businesses and creatives are literally sustainable - they thrive and stick around?
In the interview hot seat are Rowena and Angela Foong - two of the three sisters behind an ethically-driven, family fashion business called High Tea With Mrs Woo, based in Newcastle, Australia.
It’s a studio that offers many things - natural fibre fabrics, unique designs, and the craft of pattern-making and sewing in-house, but also mending workshops, community activations and collaborations with innovative textile upcyclers.
As the sisters say, you need to wear many hats to make it these days, but that's also part of the joy. Not that it's easy. In this frank interview they share their challenges and strategies - which include "co-retailing" (all those struggling alone with crazy rents - listen up!).
This Episode is a love letter to all the small sustainable businesses out there. We appreciate you. But it's also a provocation to customers: if you value it, you need to support it - otherwise one day you might turn around and find it gone. SMALL & LOCAL retail is precious, and we must not allow it to disappear on our watch."
It was such a heartfelt conversation, we hope you enjoy listening to it x